Thursday, October 31, 2013

147 Million Too Many

I have always had a heart for children.  I love the innocent twinkle in their eyes, their carefree laughter, the joy that comes from experiencing something new.  Sadly for more than 147 million children around the world there is no twinkle, there is no laughter, there is no joy.  These are the orphans of the world.
There are 147 million different stories; 147 million different ways that these precious children gained the title "orphan".  And those are 147 million too many.
The first Sunday in November has come to be known as Orphan Sunday, and the entire month of November has been identified as a time to hopefully raise awareness, action, and prayer for those who often feel there is no hope.
The Bible provides us direction on how we are to love those without families:
We are to look after and care for them:
 "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
James 1:27

He calls them to Himself:
"But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."
Luke 18:16

He promises that He will not leave them:
"I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you."
John 14:18
Once you have looked into the eyes of just one, you can't help but want to look after and care for them, to call them to yourself, and to never leave them.  What might this look like in your life?
  • Go on a mission trip to love on some precious kiddos
  • Sponsor an orphan ministry
  • Raise funds for needed supplies at orphanages/foster homes
  • Spread awareness that there are many who need forever families
  • Adopt a child
  • Love on a family who has adopted
  • Pray
Don't forget, you, too, were once orphaned until you were adopted into the greatest family of all...Gods!  What will you do to help welcome them to The Family?

Monday, September 30, 2013

Hope for Tomorrow

It has been a while since there has been an updated post here...there has been a lot going on during the "gap"...a trip to China, the welcoming of a precious 4.5 year old into our family, two surgeries for us, a bunch of surgeries for others we hold in our hearts, and the reminder of the hope that we have for tomorrow.
This evening I got a call from my alma mater - Hope College.  Sloan, a junior, was making calls on behalf of The Hope Fund.  I always smile when I see Hope College show up on caller ID -- not just because of the memories I have of times with friends (and of course the great education I received), but also because at one time I was the caller on the other end of the line wondering how the alumni was going to respond to my "ask".  I remember what it was like to have the alums who answered only with "yes" or "no", and I remember those who took the time to share about what they are doing and the journey their road from Hope has taken them on.  I remember those who said, "YES!" to my call.  They gave then so that I could have my experiences and I give now so that Sloan and others can have theirs.  (I also always vote YES on school levies for the same reason.)
October 1, 2013 represents three months since a very, very unhappy little girl was placed in my arms.  She was so, so sad.  She was leaving behind the friends and special place that had become home for a life that was foreign to her.  Olivia had seen my pictures, had heard my voice on the recordable book, and had been told stories about me and the beautiful life that we would share together.  But on July 1, 2013, she wasn't buying it.  I am excited to tell you that today she loves our life together.  She wakes up each day with a smile on her face and a "Hi Mommy!  I love you so so so much!"  I can't even count the number of times each day I hear "I love you, Mommy!"  She is seeing and believing the hope for her future.
These things give me hope for tomorrow.  But you know what gives me even more hope?  Jesus.  The world and our culture may be falling a part, but we have hope for tomorrow...not just hope for an education (like at Hope), or for a family (like with Olivia), but for tomorrow.
One of my favorite verses is Jeremiah 29:11:
"'For I know the plans I have for you', declares the LORD,  'Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
I have a front row seat for the hope and redemption that is coming to the little life of Olivia now that she knows the uconditional love of a family.  She is coming alive; she smiles; she laughs; she says, "HI!" to everyone she passes; and she loves to pray...all the time!   If this can happen when a 4.5 year old knows the love of a family for just 3 months, what would happen to each of us if we would open ourselves up, truly open ourselves up, to the love that Jesus has for each of us?  We would know what TRUE hope for tomorrow really is.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Live 360

How often do we put on blinders and only focus on what is immediately in front of us?  Whether in life or in the ministries we serve, it can be very easy to see only one piece at a time.  What happens if when we live life and as we serve, we take a 360 degree view?  Would there be some amazing God-orchestrated intersections? Let me share a couple of examples.
Five years ago I quit my job and launched Into the Field.  I have had the honor of walking alongside people with a passion for their faith and serving others.  My serving has taken me to China six times and allowed me to assist the launch of a China-focused ministry, chinaconnect.
Each year my family is involved with International Friendships (IFI).  We pick-up, host, and forge relationships with students – who always seem to be from China – and invite them to join us at church.
In China, much is about “guanxi” – or relationships.  Guanxi allows you to connect in a different way; it opens opportunities.  The guanxi that we develop with our IFI students allows us to share our faith, and me to share about my work in China.  As a result, one student expressed desire to go with our 2012 team serving some of China’s forgotten children.
Fei joined the team, participated in pre-trip training, listened intently during devotions, and blossomed as she loved on kids at the orphanage.  During our time in Beijing, we met her parents - completing the circle of those relationships.  Her life has gotten busy, and we don’t see her as much, but one never knows when the seeds of faith that were planted will grow and bloom.
This is not where the intersections ended in China.  Another IFI student, one who came to faith while at The Ohio State University and Upper Arlington Lutheran Church (UALC), now lives in Beijing.  Because of the guanxi that I and others developed, we were able to connect with her on a Sunday morning and introduce her to a church.  She was new to the city and had not yet found one.
The goal of living 360 continued with the provision of Bibles to a rural Chinese church - someone heard we were coming and thought we might have resources to help.  We also provided financial support to college students for additional Biblical training.
God is at work.  If we let Him, He will bless us with the opportunity to play a role in His plans.  If our focus was narrowed only to Into the Field, to chinaconnect, IFI, UALC, or to relationships established in the past, many of the ministry moments may not have happened.  Work to live 360 degrees.  You’ll be blessed.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Open to YES

"When you know whose you are, you can achieve and overcome any bump you might find in the road."  This was one of the opening thoughts of Hon. Yvette McGee Brown when she spoke at The Gathering of Women on April 26.
Her message was one that resonated deeply with me.  "Be open to yes," she said.  "God will never put you in a place that you are not equipped to handle."
WOW.  Spoke straight to my heart.  Why?
Well, let me share 2 big reasons:
  • Five years ago, on May 1, 2008, I said "yes" and officially launched Into the Field.  Hard to believe that it has been 5 years!  In that time I have met some amazing people who have deep passions in their hearts to live their faith and impact the lives of others.  In that time almost $1.275 MILLION dollars have passed through our accounts on their way to do God's work and grow His Kingdom.  As exciting as that day was in 2008, it was also scary because I have always been one who liked things safe.  I've always been fiscally conservative so that I would have the resources to do the things I wanted to do.  And now I would have to truly trust that I was following God's will and that He would provide.  Remember the Fall of 2008?  Yep, well, that was a good time of stretching for that faith and trust of mine.
  • June 20, 2012.  This is the day that I met Olivia.  Being a wife and a mom have always been two of the deepest dreams of my heart, but for reasons only He knows, they were not dreams that God had for my life -- yet.  But on June 20, 2012, when I picked up Olivia for the first time, I had a strong sense that I wasn't to be praying for her forever family to come, but rather that I was her family.  This has been a year of lots (and lots) of waiting, and for a person not known for her patience, this has been difficult.  But it has been through the waiting that I have also had some of my greatest seasons of growth.  And now we are approaching the end of this chapter...soon I will be travelling to China to bring Olivia home (wouldn't it be really cool if I was there with her again on June 20?  You can join me in praying for that!).  If you want to follow our journey, you can do so here.
These are two pretty significant experiences in my life where I took the leap and was "open to YES"; open to trusting that there is One who has plans far greater for me than I could ever imagine.
Are you "open to yes"?  God may not be asking you to quit your job or adopt a child (although He may be...and there are an estimated 147 million orphans who could use some loving!), but maybe He is asking you to extend your hand to someone in need; maybe He wants you to greet someone with a smile; maybe...
She closed saying, "There is something that is yours and yours alone that God has prepared you for.  Find out what it is and do it.  Be prepared to step up and say YES to the opportunities that are opened to you."
You can do it.  I know you can.  Raise your hand.  Be open to yes.  You have what it takes!

Thursday, March 28, 2013


I have a new "favorite" in the Bible.  Esther.
I've read the book of Esther before.  I've done a Bible study.  I've watched the movie.  I have even watched the Veggie Tales version.  But for some reason, it wasn't until the Sunday before Lent, that her story really jumped out and resonated with me.
I can speculate as to the reasons - and there are probably several - but I'm glad it did.
Queen Esther was adopted.  She was a Jewish Israeli immigrant who was chosen by a King to be his Queen.  (She also got lots of spa treatments...I need to get in on that!)
We are all immigrants and have been adopted by God into His family.  He has chosen each of us to be Princesses (and Princes) of the King.  Because of His love he has adopted us - we are no longer orphans - and because of His love we have hope.
And like King Xerxes thought of Esther, God thinks that we are the most beautiful and we have received His grace and favor.
We have been given His grace and favor - far more than we could ever earn or deserve.  And because we have been blessed and given much, I believe much is required of us.
Esther, like each of us, is being prepared.  She is being prepared for a time when she will be called to step out and take a stand.  To do the difficult thing, because it is the right thing.
In Esther 4:14 it says,
"For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?”
(emphasis added by me)
What is going on in your life that you have been perfectly prepared for? 
A friend of mine, Susan DiMickele, has just published her 2nd book (you'll want to check it out!) -  Working Women of the Bible: Timeless Mentors for Modern Women. In her chapter about Esther, she reminds us that, "Esther shows us that imperfect, unexpected, and available women make history." (pg 133)  None of us is perfect.  Far from it.  And God doesn't expect us to be.  But He does ask us to make our lives available to Him.

It isn't going to be easy.  As Susan says, "We live in two worlds and sometimes forget our true identities.  But our identities don't depend on who we are or what we do.  Our identities depend on who God is and what he has done for us." (pg 134)

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Happiness in Hope

Our hope rests in God alone.  Not in you, not in me…in Him.  This can sometimes be difficult to remember – especially if you’re like me and like to (pretend to) have control.  I like to be able to have my list of things to accomplish, cross them off, and move forward towards achieving my goal.

This adoption journey that I am on has been a great exercise for me in letting go of the details and trusting that God has a plan and is in control.  I have been working on focusing on the happiness that is in the hope that God has for me, for the sweet little girl that I can’t wait to welcome home, for those who love Him, and for those He calls His own.
Everywhere I look – and even when I try not to – messages of all that is wrong with the world bombard me.  We see people who serve Him, who serve others, who love on the widows and the orphans, and who simply proclaim their love of God persecuted.  It seems that it would be easier to just toss up our arms and give up.  If we let ourselves, it would be so easy to lose hope, to lose happiness.
But this is not how we are called to live our lives.

“Let your steadfast love, O LORD, be upon us even as we hope in you.” Ps 33:22

"Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God.” Ps 44:11

"But I will hope continually and will praise you yet more and more.” Ps 71:14

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11

On January 1, I began reading “"The Happiness Project” and using the associated journal.  Each day (I admittedly have missed a few) I make a one sentence entry.  Between the pace with which life is passing and the negative messages surrounding our lives, it is really easy to lose track of the happy moments.  This has been a great exercise for me to be intentional about acknowledging and capturing the hope and happiness that can be found each and every day no matter what else is going on.  I would encourage you to consider joining me in capturing the hope and happiness that surrounds us.  I trust that you will be blessed as I have.
I know - and fully believe - that my hope and happiness are found in my Lord and I believe that He wants us to recognize and celebrate it.