Friday, July 31, 2009

Celebrating? ABSOLUTELY

Today I am celebrating. One year ago today I left my full time job to more intentionally serve others on a daily basis. Into the Field was formally established on May 1, 2008, but on August 1, 2008, it became my "job". (I put "job" in quotes, because I believe that anytime you're doing something you love and are called to, it doesn't seem as much like a job, but rather a joy.)

I've been asked if I knew then what I know now about what was going to happen in our economy (think back to the balances in your portfolio in July and then October/November), would I still have quit my job. My response, "ABSOLUTELY".

Are my financial accounts a bit slimmer? ABSOLUTELY.

Has fundraising for Into the Field and some of the other ministries I'm working with been more challenging than I anticipated (primarily given the significant changes in the economy)? ABSOLUTELY.

Have I met some incredible people? ABSOLUTELY.

Have I stood in humbled awe of the amazing ways that people are serving others around the corner and around the world? ABSOLUTELY.

Would people say that I'm a happier person today than I was a year ago? ABSOLUTELY.

Am I excited to see what God has in store and where and how He'll lead me next? ABSOLUTELY.

God is good.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

What Makes YOUR Heart Smile?

A couple of years ago I had the opportunity to meet Amie at a women's retreat at church. My heart felt an immediate connection with her. I've had the opportunity to visit and serve in China and currently am a part of the board for China Service Ventures. Amie has a heart for China's children. So big is her heart for them that her family is in the process of welcoming their fourth child into his "forever family" (this will bring their family count to 8 great kids!!!). As I read her blog - "Heart Smiles", it makes my heart smile knowing the impact she is making not only on the lives of the children that are being welcomed into their family, but the lives of their other kids, and the lives of those they meet as they live their lives. (That's a lot of lives!)

What a wonderful example of a family serving around the corner and around the world! They are bringing the world right here...around the corner!

Living, sharing, and serving your faith doesn't have to require big gestures. Not many of us are in the position of Amie and her family to welcome new kids into our families the way that they have. (Although I sure would love to!) But I can carry a couple of extra bottles of water or food bars in my car to share with someone standing with a sign on a street corner...I can share words of gratitude and appreciation with someone in the service industry who usually goes unacknowledged (think about the person who cleans the restroom at a hotel or the airport, or who clears off the tables at the restaurant...)

When we pause in our lives to serve another, it not only makes their heart smile, but I've found that my heart smiles...and I'm sure that God is smiling, too!

What makes your heart smile? How will you bring that smile to the heart someone else today?

Friday, July 24, 2009

The Deeds and Miracles of Jesus are NOT actions of the Past.

Last summer my parents went with my sister's pastor on a trip to the Holy Lands.

Outside of one of the sites they visited, near the Sea of Galilee, there was the above plaque that reads:

"At Thy word I will let down the net." Luke 5:5

"The deeds and miracles of Jesus are not actions of the past. Jesus is waiting for those who are still prepared to take risks at His word because they trust His power utterly."

So, are you? Do you? If so, how?

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Fly for Good!

Do you travel internationally as a part of your mission/ministry? I just recently learned about They are able to offer "humanitarian" rates for non-profit organizations (their volunteers, staff, and families) on international flights. To qualify, the non-profit must go to the site, set-up an account, and go through their verification process.

What mission team wouldn't want to save on their airfare?

Thanks to Fly for Good and other businesses and organizations who are out there helping to serve the servants!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Me, a "blogger"?

I don't know about you, but lately I've been discovering more and more just how SMALL our world is and being reminded just how BIG our God is!

Since taking the leap mid-2008 to more intentionally follow what I believe is God's passion in my life, I have been reminded time and time again how we are but a piece of HIS mighty plan. And how incredibly blessed are we to play a role in it?!?

I have had the opportunity to serve in short-term capacities in multiple locations around the corner and around the world. I have seen the many incredible people working through many phenomenal organizations doing things for others which are sometimes beyond definition. With every conversation, with every interaction, not only do I have my faith affirmed, but I learn something new - about my faith, about my God, and how I can better serve Him.

I hope that this blog will become another resource, a place where I can share, where you can share, and where we, together, can enhance how we serve.
"So let's not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. at the right time we will harvest a good drop if we don't give up, or quit. Right now, therefore, every time we get a chance, let us work for the benefit of all..." (Galations 6:9-10, The Message)
Pray big...believe big...big things happen!
