Thursday, August 25, 2011

Bibles for China

I don't know about you, but I regularly take for granted the blessings all around me --  whether that when I turn on the facet water comes out (not only that it flows, but that it is safe for me to drink), when I'm hungry I can either go the pantry, refrigerator, or store to find something to eat, or I'm tired and I go to sleep on my soft bed filled with pillows.

If you were to look around your bookshelves, how many Bibles would you see?  Probably more than entire villages in areas of the world where the Word is restricted and not easily available. 

Last October, when in China, I was in a meeting with a pastor, a government official, and others.  The topic of a new rural church which the current church is building came up.  When we asked the government official (who usually we do not have much interaction with and who has the ability to send us out of the country if we say something incorrect about our intentions regarding faith activities) if we could help purchase Bibles for those who would be attending the new church, many of whom are poor and could not afford to buy one on their own, he said, "Sure.  No problem."

Recently a friend of mine, who is living and serving full time in China passed through town while home for a summer break.  Into the Field was able to give her money which she has now taken back with her and will go to the church where she will work with the pastor to make the purchase and get the Bibles into the hands of those who need them.  What an amazing opportunity to be able to help provide the Word to those who crave and deeply desire it!

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