Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Today on "Only in China"...

I am an inquisitive person.  When I don't understand something, I ask questions.  Usually when that happens, and I ask my friend David (from Beijing), his answer to me is, "it's China, you know", as if it is expected that there are going to be things that happen here that just don't make sense.

What is this you ask?  It is rice that has been spread out on the street so that it can dry.  Yep, the rice that these farmers will eat.  The streets get so hot that they spread the rice out on the street so that it can dry.  They then carry rocks into the street  so that cars driving by would hit the rock before they could drive through the rice.  Sometimes the four lane road becomes only one lane for driving.  At the end of the day, when they rake it back up, they often go ahead and leave the rocks in the street.  I don't know about you, but I'm not sure if would want to eat rice that had been dried on a Chinese road.

Stay tuned for our next edition of "Only in China."

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