Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Joy of Anticipation

I. Can't. Wait!

I can now acceptably count in days (9) the number of days until I leave for China.

I know that I should be thinking about the piles of supplies that have taken over my living room floor and their need to be masterfully packed so as best leverage available space and not go over airline mandated weight limits...

I know that I should be working on checking off the things on continually-growing-and-already-too-long list of things that MUST be done before I go...

I know that I should be doing a lot of things...

But I'm not...


Because I have incredible amounts of excitement and am overflowing with joy to see these beautiful kids (and many more)!!!

Stay tuned in here for updates from the road!

JJ, Brent, Jared, Melanie







  1. I bet you are sooo excited to be going back to these sweet kids!! Please show my love to Luke (Zachary House) when you are there! Are the video's available to watch? It says they are private? I'd love to see them!

    1. I will definitely give Luke some loving! He is such a precious little guy! Sorry about the video links! I just went in and adjusted the settings, so you should be good to go. I'm still learning :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I love the videos!! Makes me really want to go and spend time with the children! Maybe someday!

    Thank you so much for going and loving on Luke for me! I can't wait to see pictures and hear all about it!

  4. How exciting!!! Wish I had a little one there waiting!!! LOVE them all!!! XO
