Wednesday, June 15, 2011

On Their Time

Nobody likes to be rejected.  We all want to be accepted each and every time that we reach out in an effort to connect with another person.  Unfortunately that desire for connection is not always reciprocated.  We then have two choices: 1) give up; or 2) continue to make ourselves available so that when the individual is ready, we are there and waiting.

Meet my friend Noel.  Noel has CP and gets around either in her wheel chair or by dragging her body awkwardly behind her when on the floor in her home.  When we first met she wouldn't look at me or have anything to do with me.  Slowly she played legos with me.  Then, another day, we sat next to each other outside under a tree.  Today we started playing a tickle game.  She just laughed and laughed and laughed.  All I have to do now is wiggle my fingers and she starts to giggle and scrunches up in a ball.  Earlier, I was probably 30 feet away and I looked over to see her looking at me.  I waved and she waved back with a big smile.  I have broken through and now have a special friend.  On her time.

Are there other people with whom you have tried unsuccessfully to connect?  If your heart is right, you are patient and persistent, you may eventually have the result you desire.  Jesus has that desire to connect with you.  He is willing to be persistent in His pursuit of you.  Are you willing to allow Him to break through and be your friend?  He is willing.  On your time.

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