Monday, June 13, 2011

What's your story?

Everyone has a tells where they've come from and helps to give insight into why they are the way they are.

For those of us who grew up in happy, healthy families, our stories are known and shared by those who love us.  There is continuity to our story.  There are people who help us remember them when we forget.

For those who have been abandoned by their families, their stories must be uncovered bit by bit.  Some pieces may never known. 

Brent was stolen as a baby.  And then he was abandoned.  Nobody knows who or where his family is.  However, because he does have a family, somewhere, who might someday come looking for him, he is not able to be adopted and will likely live out his life at Shepherd's Field Village (SFV).  He has joy, he has spunk, and a twinkle in his eye. More than 24 hours after creating his "Prince's Crown", he is still wearing it everywhere he goes.

Grady is 16, has scoliosis, and is physically bound by his wheelchair.  He has been at SFV for 4 years.  There is a family who wanted to adopt him and began the process.  Unfortunately, because of a paperwork hangup (not at SFV), he turned 14 before it was finalized.  According to China law, once a child is 14, he is no longer eligible to be adopted.  Period.  His would-be adoptive family (as well as Grady) was heart broken, and continues to assert that they have 5 kids - but 1 lives in China.  Grady has amazing English skills, a great sense of humor, a love of magic, refers to himself as Grady Houdini and has the dream of being an interpreter.   He has a generous heart and he is often seen sharing his candy and other special treasures with friends new and old.  His story has taken some twists and turns, has had some dark chapters, but we know that it will have a remarkable ending and can't wait to see what it will be.

The story that is often forgotten in the midst of human struggle, but is the most important one, is that there was this man named Jesus who was God's son, and who came to earth just for us.  His was a story that had twists and turns, happy and sad days.  But one that ended in victory.  Because of him and his life that he gave up on the cross, if we love and accept him, we have the ability to be a part of HIS forever family.  One where love knows no bounds, where everyone has brothers and sisters, and a Father who loves unconditionally. 

The the initial chapters of your story have already been written, but its ending is yet to be created.  Regardless of what has already happened, how will you bring it to closure?    What will your story be?

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