Sunday, June 19, 2011

This Morning at Church in China...

"O Lord, my God, may your gospel be spread freely across China...We pray for those in the midst of crisis and disaster, may they turn to you for peace, grace, comfort, and strength."

This is how the pastor at Beijing Chongwenment Christian Church began her prayer this morning.  The topic of her sermon, "Being a Good Server of Jesus Christ."  One of the key scriptures, Matthew 28: 16-20:

"Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them.  And when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted.  And Jesus came and said to them, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."

Quick look around, I'm in China, right?

The sermon which she preached this morning was fantastic.  She was on a roll and definitely putting forth a call-to-action to her congregation.  Following are some excerpts (I had my notebook out and was writting quickly as the translator spoke through my headset) that I want to share:

"Surely we know that Jesus is the head of the Church.  The greater the position, the great the leader, the great the servant one should be.

This makes some uncomfortable because many want to be a leader, be the head, because they want more to serve them.  this is contrary to God's will.  If you have a realtionship

We do this not because the Lord needs us, He is all powerful and can do it without us, but as His children and a part of his family, we must participate in family affairs and care for one another.

We are not to be capable at all things.  If this was the case, we would not need the family, we could be independent.  We all have role to play.  You should participate; youshould be engaged; you should be welcoming to others and make them feel welcome in the family.

Wherever you are, you are part of this family.  We should take the active role of going out and serving others.

In Matthew it says that when you have shared food or clothing or shelter with another, you have done it for Him.  It is easy to forget somethimes that serving others is serving God.  In 1 john, the scripture says that if you cannot love your brothers and sisters who you can see, how can you love God who yuou cannot see?  Therefore there is a direct relationship between loving God and loving others; serving God and serving others.

Love people based on your love of God.  If God is in your heart, there is room for others.  We are all created in the image of God.  Therefore, we are called to love all - not just those we deem credible.

Jesus is the example for us to follow.  We may not be able to do all of the same things as Jesus - we may not be able to open the eyes of a blind man - but he should be our motivation, our example to follow.

The purpose of Jesus' life can be summarized in 2 words: 1) serve; and 2) salvation.

Serve with humility - he entered with humility (born in a stable); served in humility (washed feet and loved the unlovable); and died in humility on the cross.  

Right now he is seated at the right hand of God pleading on our behalf until his return.

Some think that they must do something big to be for God, but anything done with the love and intention of God - even if we thing it is insignificant - is good, beautiful, and significant in the eyes of the Lord.

We should serve with our hears and our souls.  We should follow the Holy Spirit.  he will show how and where He directs.

God is God.  Man is man.  We need to remember that.  He is not our servant.  We are to serve Him." 

We attended the 2nd of 4 services being held today.  Here is a photo of some of those lining up to enter the 3rd service through the back door as we came out the front.
May her prayer and call-to-action come to be!

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